Meet Sarah, Founder of The Happery

Founder, Sarah (hi, it's me!), is the sole team member at The Happery who doesn't have four legs and a tail. And just like you, I've walked the path of uncertainty, and discontent with where life is leading me.

The weeks fly by, I say to myself, "I just need to get through this project, this event, this week, this month..." accidentally wishing my life away. And what do I have to show for it? Seen loved ones as much as I wanted to? Started writing that novel I've been thinking about? Did I just spend yet another week planning to work on my health and exercise more and I just...didn't, again?

I said "life was leading me" at the start there for a reason. Because living that way, I certainly wasn't taking charge of my own life and direction.

Are you living the same way?

Taking back control

Navigating through low-paid and insecure jobs that left me feeling powerless, it was always up to someone else as to whether I could support myself or not. But amidst the struggle, a fire ignited within me—a burning desire to reclaim control over my destiny and use my skills to make a difference in the world on my own terms. I was made for more than over-worked publishing jobs paid so little I couldn't support myself. Or government administrative roles providing colleagues and management with important information that no one reads, or spending days rearranging meetings for executives. That might be perfect for some people, but I personally need to make more of a difference to the world than that.

I am an ideas woman, I have big ideas and a passion for helping people, lifting them up, seeing them thrive. I was made for bigger things. How about you?

How I got here

Being diagnosed with ADHD a couple of years ago really opened my eyes to why I've had such a tough time getting noticed for my skills and moving up the ladder into more specialized roles. It's a common issue for folks like me who think a little differently.

With my third state government administrative level role made redundant within 4 years (they love to get rid of support roles first), I decided enough was enough. The universe was telling me it was time to take the leap and bet on myself. It was 'burning my ships' for me, forcing me to prioritize my passion, let go of fear and imposter syndrome and launch The Happery already. To use my skills in writing and design and mash it with my unyielding desire to lift others up and see them thrive. Help make life happier. Easier. Better. 

My journey has been a crash course in the power of mindset. Trust me when I say, believing you can is half the battle. And I never believed I could.

Now, through The Happery, I'm on a mission to light that same fire in others—to inspire them to discover their own strength and seize control of their destinies, live the life they were meant to, not simply the one they've got.

Positive Apparel

The messages on your Happery branded apparel will inspire a change in behavior in yourself (are you really going to be grumpy to others when wearing a hoodie that says "I choose happy"? Are you going to keep lying on the couch scrolling social media when wearing your "Goal Getter" tee?) and inspire those around you.

Join me! Let's grow as people, let's stand behind our values and live in alignment with our life's purpose and do what we were meant to while we're here. Let's prove to ourselves we can do hard things. Let's be the positive change we wish to see in the world.

Through The Happery, I strive to create an environment that is inclusive, supportive, and encouraging. I believe that when people feel seen, heard, and valued, they are more likely to reach their full potential and make a meaningful impact in their communities.

It's more than a clothing brand, and we're just getting started.


The Happery Mission

I believe that when people are empowered to tap into their inner strengths and passions, they are better equipped to make a positive impact on the world and attract others into their lives who share their values. The Happery apparel aims to attract those with shared values into your life, because the message on your top resonated with them, too.

Happy isn’t a destination, it’s an active pursuit, a way of life cultivated through tiny, but consistent, alterations you can make to how you interact with the world that help rewire your brain, change how you think and over time compounds to a more positive outlook, resilience to the bullshit, clear focus on your goals and belief that you can do it anything you set your mind to.

Sarah, The Happery