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10 Top Traits of Highly Successful People - That You Can Learn Too


10 Top Traits of Highly Successful People - That You Can Learn Too

There are so many people in my life, and public figures I have heard of, who inspire me. From mom friends who have raised the most amazing kids, small business friends who have spent years persevering through the hard times to reach success, people who have incredible integrity and conviction and skills that I wish I could bottle and drink a magic potion to learn the secrets of their ways.

Though everyone has taken a different path and inspire me in different ways, I've spent time studying them, and you know what?  I've noticed they all have a few key things in common:

1. They Work Hard and Play Hard

These go-getters aren’t afraid to roll up their sleeves and put in the work. They wake up early, push through challenges without complaining, and hold themselves to the highest standards—higher than anyone else expects of them. Their repeated success isn’t a fluke; it’s a direct result of their belief that hard work truly pays off.

2. They’re Incredibly Curious and Eager to Learn

The most successful people I know are like sponges—they soak up knowledge wherever they go. They’re constantly asking questions, reading, and seeking out new information. But here's the kicker: they don’t just collect facts—they *apply* what they learn. For them, success isn’t about memorizing data; it’s about using that information to innovate, create, and solve real problems. They want to know everything about everything, and they’re not afraid to dive deep.

3. They Network Like Pros

You don’t have to be the life of the party to be successful, but you do need to value relationships. The people I admire most have a diverse network of friends, colleagues, and mentors. They’re great listeners, whether they’re chatting with a neighbor, a coworker, or even the bartender. Their relationships are genuine, and they’re the kind of people who always get a call back.

If there is someone you admire and would like to learn from, introduce yourself! Networking doesn't have to be a formal networking meeting or event: buy them a coffee in exchange for some vibrant conversation, invite them to spend time with you and develop a real relationship. People want to help people they like. And we all love the ego boost of our expertise being recognized, right? You may feel like a burden, asking for a stranger's time, but the opportunity to share advice and tips to help others they like succeed can be nothing short of a gift.

4. They’re Committed to Personal Growth

Unlike the so-called "overnight wonders" who fade away as quickly as they rise, truly successful people are always working on themselves. They’re constantly honing their personality, leadership, and management skills. When something doesn’t go as planned—a relationship fizzles out or a business deal falls through—they don’t blame others. Instead, they reflect, learn, and come back stronger. They’re all about progress, not perfection.

5. They’re Extraordinarily Creative

These are the "Why not?" people. They see opportunities where others see problems, and they’re always coming up with new ideas. They’re the ones who wake up in the middle of the night with a brilliant solution, jot it down, and then actually do something about it. They’re not afraid to ask for advice or experiment with new approaches. Creativity isn’t just a skill for them; it’s a way of life.

6. They’re Self-Reliant and Take Responsibility

The people who inspire me don’t waste time pointing fingers or complaining. They take charge, make decisions, and move forward. Even when it means doing something unconventional, like Jimmy Carter carrying his own briefcase, they take pride in their independence. Successful people understand that taking responsibility is part of the journey to greatness.


7. They Stay Calm and Keep Their Perspective

Stress doesn’t rattle these folks. Even in tough situations, they maintain their balance. They know the value of timing, humor, and patience. They don’t make rash decisions or panic under pressure. Instead, they breathe, ask the right questions, and make thoughtful choices. They’re the calm in the storm, the ones who always seem to have it all together.

8. They Live in the Present Moment

You’ll never catch these people rushing through life. They know that the present moment is all we really have, and they make the most of it. Whether they’re enjoying a meal, savoring a glass of wine, or playing with a child, they’re fully engaged. They’re not just living—they’re living well, taking advantage of every opportunity to experience life to the fullest.

9. But They Also Keep an Eye on the Future

While they live in the moment, they’re also always looking ahead. They notice trends, observe changes, and anticipate what’s coming next. They’re the ones who see the investment opportunity in the latest fad before it becomes a craze, and spot potential threats in time to counteract them and minimize their impact. They have the gift of foresight, always planning for what’s on the horizon.

10. They Respond Instantly

When something isn’t working, they don’t hesitate—they act. They’re quick to make changes, seize opportunities, and nurture important relationships. They understand that in a fast-paced world, the ability to adapt and respond quickly is a huge advantage.

To be clear: I don’t mean they respond to all calls, text messages, DMs, emails instantly. Personally, the volume of incoming business communication I get — so much of it spam or scams hiding as potential genuine connections — it’s too time-consuming and distracting from important work to sift through it all. No, a lot of the people who get the most done designate specific timeframes in which to devote to returning calls and emails etc., so that they limit distractions that take their focus away from the important things.


The best part about all of the above? None of these traits are genetic—they’re skills you can learn. They don’t cost a dime, but they can completely transform your life. So why not start today? The journey to success is waiting for you!

Who are some people in your life that you admire and consider successful? Maybe it's time to have a chat with them and learn how they do it.

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