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What Is My Life's Purpose? 4 Tips To Help You Find It.


What Is My Life's Purpose? 4 Tips To Help You Find It.

Are you feeling a bit lost? Like you're living in a way that doesn't gel with who you are? A lot of us - most of us - go through this from time to time.

The mid-life crisis and these days even earlier - the quarter life crisis! I sure went through that, I felt unsettled, unsure if the direction I had chosen for my life was the right one. It may not have been making me fulfilled at the time but was it going to in the future? It's an uncomfortable feeling to sit with.

If you are feeling uncomfortable with the direction your life is going, it might be great but not necessarily great for you, it's time to check in with yourself and reconnect - or connect for the first time - with why you are here and what you were made to do do in this Earth. 

Understanding the Impact on Happiness

Research reveals the profound link between knowing and acting according to your purpose and happiness in life, illustrating how aligning actions with your life purpose completes the puzzle of a satisfying life. But with so many different directions you could take, how do you figure out what you are supposed to do with your life?

It's time for some self reflection. Here are some topics you could ruminate on.

Self Reflection Questions to Ponder

Get introspective. Ask yourself: What activities make your heart race with excitement? For instance, if volunteering at a local animal shelter brings you joy, it could be a clue about your passion for making a positive impact.

Identify Your Core Values

Imagine your core values as your guiding principles. For example, if family, honesty, and creativity are vital to you, envision how aligning your decisions with these values shapes a life that feels authentic and fulfilling. Shape your life to spend more time with your family, making sure to attend games and recitals and supporting their dreams, or aim to be truthful more often, or add some more opportunities for creative ideas and activities into your life.

Embrace What You Feel Passionate About

Consider your passions as the breadcrumbs leading you to your purpose. If you love creating art, explore how you can infuse this passion into your daily life—whether through a creative career or engaging in artistic hobbies. 

Set Meaningful Goals

As they say, 'a goal without a plan is just a dream'. Concrete goals anchor your journey and keep you on track, and if your goals are meaningful to you then you are more likely to stay motivated to achieve them. If your purpose involves promoting environmental sustainability, your goals might include reducing personal carbon footprint or advocating for eco-friendly practices in your community.

Take Small Steps

Progress doesn't require grand leaps. Small, consistent steps, such as attending relevant workshops or networking events, build the foundation for a purposeful life.

What do you think your life's purpose is? What are you passionate about? What are your core values? Tell us all about it in the comments or tag us in your post on Instagram/TikTok. We look forward to witnessing you come back into alignment and thrive.

Further Reading on Personal Values and Life Purpose

  • "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor E. Frankl: Unveiling profound insights from a Holocaust survivor, this book explores the pursuit of purpose in the face of adversity.
  • "Daring Greatly" by Brené Brown: Delving into vulnerability and wholehearted living, Brown's work encourages embracing imperfections on the journey to a purpose-driven life.
  • "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey: This classic offers a roadmap for personal and professional effectiveness, emphasizing the significance of aligning actions with values.
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